David Brooks continues to write thoughtful op-ed pieces in the NYTimes. This time he wrote about a shift in culture over a few generations from wealth seeking to looking more at the quality of experience. Using an example of a grandfather (Sam) and his grandson (Jared) and the ways they looked at the economic life, he argues that today’s young wage earners are seeking different values. First describing life early in the twentieth century, Brooks points to Sam: Sam wasn’t the most refined person, but he understood that if he wanted to create a secure life for his family he… Read More
Continue ReadingFinding Your Soul on Facebook
The Huffington Post aired an article with the strange (to me) headline: “Facebook: A Spiritual Experience?” The author, Kelley Harrell, advertises herself as a Neoshaman and Priestess, ordained by Global Goddess, among other titles. Her webpage describes her practice as “an intertribal shamanic practice for Universal wellbeing…” It’s important to have this background to understand the article and my response to it. I think it is important to see the author’s own words. She uses a vocabulary that is quite foreign to me. Who sees what of you is one thing. What you see of others is another. The foremost… Read More
Continue ReadingGoogling the Louvre
Googling has taken its mapping equipment indoors to some of the world’s great museums of fine art. In place of a picture of your own house seen from the street, you can dial up a bird’s eye view of a Botticelli or a Van Gogh. The Boston Globe today carried a story on this new marvel of the Internet. Launched Feb. 1, Google Art Project provides access to more than 385 rooms in 17 world-famous museums, including the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the National Gallery in London, the Frick Collection in New York, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg,… Read More
Continue ReadingContradictory Stories
In my daily screening of my Internet subscriptions (links to all the blogs I want to scan), I came upon two articles back-to-back on the Daily Green. The dissonance of the headlines is loud and clear. The first is on a familiar subject in this blog, GoodGuide, “GoodGuide Becoming Essential Green Shopping Buddy.”. The second is becoming all too familiar, but in an entirely different vein, “January Marks New Record-Low for Arctic Sea Ice.” GoodGuide is a, Internet-based system of rating consumer goods designed to assist buyers concerned about the specific product’s impacts. The heart of the message in the… Read More
Continue ReadingEco-friendly Dentistry—Hmm
Thanks to Greenbiz, I found this website advertising green or eco-friendly dentistry. Here’s what the originators of this practice say: Every aspect of our space has been designed to maximize your comfort, and to reflect our commitment to environmentally sound business practices. We’ve checked around, and believe we’re the first eco-friendly dental office in the country. Sustainability permeates every aspect of our practice from biocompatible dental materials, to walls finished with paint that doesn’t contain nasty volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Their written materials refer to green, eco-friendly, environmentally sound, and sustainability. I added the emphasis. It’s too bad they abuse… Read More
Continue ReadingA Bolder Thrust at Davos
I mildly dissed Davos and the folks there in my last post. Today I read a longer and far more pointed screed by Umair Haque. I have just started reading his new book, *The New Capitalist Manifesto*. Haque criticizes the Davos “process” as representing a form of corporatism that has failed to produce its promised prosperity. While he does not refer to sustainability explicitly, his arguments point to essentially the same set of underlying issues I do. I appreciate his fearlessness. I am always amazed that the Harvard Business Press hosts his blog. Here’s just a small sample from this… Read More
Continue ReadingThe Foxes in the Henhouse
Greenbiz headlines a new global sustainability initiative: 54 CEOs Help Launch UN Program to Ramp Up Sustainability Chief executives from 54 companies around the world have joined forces with the United Nations to launch a new program aimed at raising the bar for corporate environmental, social and governance performance. The announcement came from this year’s Davos World Economic Forum meeting, which venue should raise some suspicions about the motivations and objectives of the program. More information can be gleaned from the UN pages describing this initiative. In January 2011, the United Nations Global Compact will launch a new platform for… Read More
Continue ReadingIn God ??? We Trust
I read an intriguing story in Citizen Renaissance the other day about the upward trend in trust for institutions in the UK, but not in the US. The shift of Trust in institutions from West to East continues, as the emerging economies of Brazil, China and India begin to translate their economic strength and authority into tangible Trust numbers. Meanwhile, the US – now officially a sceptical nation – dips to a new Trust low, pretty much alongside Russia. Together with the UK and Ireland, the US sees a (not unexpected) freefall in Trust for its Banking Sector since 2008… Read More
Continue ReadingAnother Slant on “Winning the Future”
I am not the only one who questioned the idea of winning the future. Jamais Cascio, one of the best-known futurists on the Web, agrees. Here’s a bit, “When thinking about the future, ‘winning’ is a terrible metaphor.” His whole piece is at Open the Future.
Continue ReadingReflecting after the SOTU Speech
The themes of the President’s State of the Union speech that stood out most for me were: we can win the future and many references to the American Dream. I voted for Obama and am a loyal Democrat, but I cannot accept all this rhetoric as a positive steps toward the goals I believe I share with him. I appreciate the need to tread lightly upon the steps of political correctness, and offer a positive image at the same time. But “win the future” is a very poor rallying cry. Ontologically and grammatically, it is doesn’t work. We might be… Read More
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