I’ve been back from my long trip for about 10 days and am finding that getting back to posting to this blog very difficult. What’s on your mind that you would like to see here? Sustainability remains the main theme. Use the comments function to send me any ideas.
Why not about new insights concerning Complex Adaptive System and Emergency?
How Econometrics are absorving neuroscience research? Which institutional bridges can we find out there?
Are we really changing the sustainability mind set from optimization to adaptation with these new approaches?
I have recently found very interesting concepts as “Industrial Ecology 2.0”.
Most sincerely,
Tiago Cruz
What is on my mind:
– Do sustainable development frameworks such as Biomimicry show signs of care? Recently I participated in a workshop where they also introduced an ethical part of Biomimicry, which implies care for nature.
– Product service systems are systems where the product is not central, but instead, the service. Does this imply that ‘having’ becomes replaced by ‘Being’? The experience or ‘act’ becomes central, not the product. However, we can still ‘consume’ services, and ‘have’ experiences.
– In your book you mention we see ourselves outside the natural world. Recently I heard the controversial philosopher Slavoj Zizek’s opinion about this topic. He claims that we should even become more seperated from nature. We should become more artificial. Here are two videos where he talks about this topic:
Kind regards,
Boudewijn Boon
MSc Student Industrial Ecology
TU Delft & Leiden University