I have recently done a podcast and will be streaming an interview tomorrow. The podcast was done by Futurizer and can be heard on Trond Undheim’s website. https://trondundheim.com/podcast/ The direct link to the podcast is https://www.futurized.org/the-real-world-beyond-sustainability/
Tomorrow,, June 17th, I am streaming a conversation, sponsored by the International Humanistic Management Association. The live link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5102359757?pwd=MXhDdEJqVjVNWlE4S2JrcmxyTWVSdz09 I will post a link to the video after the event is over. This event is tied to the publication of an article in the periodical magazine, Amplify, of Cutter, a member of the Arthur D Little Community. The article can be downloaded here.