An [extended interview](http://sloanreview.mit.edu/beyond-green/flourishing-forever/) with the Michael S. Hopkins, Editor-in-Chief of the Sloan Management Review has been published on the web. This is one of a series of interviews about sustainability as seen by a group of people with ties to MIT. Here is what the SMR says about this series.
> The MIT Sustainability Interview features thought leaders from arenas as diverse as management, urban studies, history, energy science, civil engineering, and design. The conversations are wildly varied, but at root their goal is to help leading managers answer two crucial questions: “As sustainability—economic, environmental, social, and personal—becomes the defining business issue of our times, what decisions will I need to face, and what will I need to know when I face them?
You can also read my recent Plenary talk for the 5th Biennial International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology. The slides are in a separate file.